8 Foods You Need To AVOID Before 9AM


Deciding on your breakfast  every morning can be tricky. You want something  that fills your stomach, while also giving  you the right nutrients. At the same time,  you want to eat something that satisfies  your taste buds. So what are the options?

we’re talking about  8 Foods You Need To Avoid Before 9AM.  


Should I stay away from low-fat  yogurt? How about sausage? Wait,  

do I really need to avoid breakfast cereals?  We’re talking about all this AND more... 

1. Small Flakes and Breakfast Cereals One of the popular breakfast items is  

cereal… I mean, obviously. Most of us haven’t  eaten it since we were kids. Cereal is easy to  prepare and provides you with the energy you need   to tackle the day before you get to your lunch.  

But you might be surprised to learn that cereal is  not the best thing to have early in the morning. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of  the day. If you start the day right, you’ll set up your digestive system so it processes high  calorie meals, while at the same time ensuring you don’t get too hungry throughout the day. Most of the popular breakfast cereals come with a large amount of sugar. This sugar will convert  into abdominal fat, which is hard to get rid of. 

Also, a study showed that people who  ate small flakes ended up having higher  

calories compared to people who have large  flakes. This is because people tend to have a lot less cereal when the flakes are larger. Instead of these popular cereals, you can switch  to oatmeal. It’s sugar free and homemade. Oatmeal  comes packed with fiber. Also, bringing down the  amount of sugar you eat in the morning would  help you avoid feeling tired later in the day. Do you like eating cereal? Which is your  favorite flavor? Do you add fresh fruits  to your breakfast bowl? Share your preferences  with the Bestie community in the comments below. 


2. Low-Fat Yogurt is another food that has become quite popular as a breakfast item. Non-fat  yogurt is popularly used as a weight loss food. 

However, non-fat yogurt is not exactly  the healthiest option. Since it does not  

have any real flavor, manufacturers tend to  add sugar to add this flavor. Also, non-fat  

yogurt also does not have a lot of protein. In fact, research suggests that full-fat  

yogurt is actually more helpful when it  comes to meeting your weight loss goals.  

With full-fat yogurt, you get a lot more  protein. Eating protein in the morning will  

help satisfy your hunger throughout the day. This way, you’ll be able to reduce the amount  of calories you consume. It will help you a lot  if you have full-fat yogurt with nothing at all. 


There are some fruits and vegetables that  contain fermentable compounds like polyols, which are commonly referred to  as FODMAPs. Apples, beans, pears,  

garlic and peaches are all packed with FODMAPs. FODMAPs are carbohydrates that are a bit more difficult to digest than others. A number of  people are sensitive to FODMAPs. When they’re unable to digest these foods, it can cause  fermentation in the stomach and intestines .When this happens, you tend to feel more  bloated. Of course, it does not mean you should completely avoid these foods. But if  you’re indeed sensitive to FODMAPs, it would be better if you eat them in smaller quantities. Also, it would be better if you had them later in the day. This way, your body digests them  easier. When you have food with FODMAPs  

combined with foods that have healthy fat  and protein, digestion happens quicker. 


4. Buttered Toast slathered with butter is  one of the easiest breakfasts to make, but it’s  not good for you. As tempting as it is to eat,  there’s a lot of really gross fat in it. For most  people, an ideal breakfast is one with no fat at all. But this isn’t necessarily true. It’s more  important to eat fat that’s good for your body. For instance, butter may contain fat that helps  your body process the vitamins you eat with your  food. But at the same time, it also comes with a  large portion of saturated fat. This saturated fat can end up being dangerous to your heart’s health.  It’s also one of the reasons you gain weight. So, instead of just using plain butter on  your toast, you can try peanut butter. A  study has shown that using pure peanut butter  can keep you feeling full throughout the day. This is because peanuts will raise  the body’s production of peptide YY. This is a hormone that helps regulate your  hunger. When there’s more of the peptide, you tend to feel a lot less hungry. This is  why peanut butter makes a great breakfast meal. Before we move ahead, here’s another  video you might like. Watch and learn  more about body changes that need your immediate  attention. Now back to our list of 8 Foods You Should Avoid In the Morning...

 5. Pancakes and Waffles To Go Pancakes and waffles are another go-to breakfast  food for most people. This is likely because these  foods can easily be taken with you while  you are on the go. When you’re in a rush, you tend to grab something you can eat at work. However, frozen pancakes, waffles and even cookies tend to have refined carbohydrates  in them. While refined carbs themselves are not all that bad for you, you may not want to  have them based on the diet you’re following. 

Refined carbohydrates will make you hungrier as  the day progresses. If you want to avoid that, eating pancakes and waffles may not be your best  option. Also, these frozen foods come with almost  no fiber. Additionally, they also have trans fats,  which can end up being harmful to your health .Instead of depending on frozen food, it would  be better if you chose homemade pancakes  instead. It may take longer, but it’s finitely  healthier. Also, when you do prepare the pancakes,  it’s better to make them with whole meal flour.

 6. Grab-and-Go Fruit Juice Another on-the-go food choice is fruit juice.  A study has shown that these grab-and-go fruit juices not only have a lot of soda, but  also a ton of sugar. It’s really one of  the worst breakfast choices you can make. Not only as breakfast, these types of  fruit juices should be avoided as much as  possible, as they only cause more harm. They also don’t have any fiber in them,  which reduces their nutritional value .Another reason to not have these types of juices  is because they don’t make you feel full. I mean, sure you’ve quenched your thirst,  but your stomach is still empty. If you really want to stick to fruit, eating them  would be a much better way to start your day. In  fact, eating regular fruit is one of the best ways  to activate your digestive system in the morning. 


7. Sausage So many of us love eating sausage for breakfast .It’s a good piece of meat that can fill you up  at the beginning of the day. But unfortunately, this delicious food isn’t the most nutritious  morning option. Wondering why that is? Well,  sausages are made from ground meats, fat, spices  and flavorings. This makes them high in sodium,  

saturated fat, and overall calories. Processed meats like sausages also  increase your risk of getting chronic diseases  and cancer. But this doesn’t mean you can’t have  

a high protein breakfast. There are healthier  options for you. Eggs and Greek yogurt are  fantastic breakfast choices. You can also have  nut butters like almond or sunflower seed butter.


8. Flavored Coffee Drinks We all need our daily dose of coffee in the morning! For most of us,  it’s how we wake up. Adding flavors like  hazelnut or vanilla makes it even better. But  unfortunately, that’s not a good breakfast option. Most flavored coffee drinks are high in  calories and sugar, and contain little to no nutrition. Drinking flavored coffee in  the morning can leave you feeling jittery,  with a sugar crash shortly after. This won’t  make you very productive at work, and set you  on the wrong course for the rest of the day. This doesn’t mean you have to give up on coffee altogether! You can have black coffee  instead. Don’t like it? Well, you can make a  coffee smoothie at home with a cold brew, banana,  almond butter, and some delicious, pure honey. Breakfast is a crucial meal. It can make or  break your entire day.

